For Companies / Brands / Entrepreneurs

Branding / Packaging Design / Print / Art Direction / Website Design / Illustration / Wall Mural Painting

  • Content creation: social media, banners, blogs, campaigns, newsletter designs

  • Graphic visual displays and marketing collateral in-store and online visuals

  • Logo and business branding

  • Literature design for online and print (brochures, leaflets, flyers, books, catalogues etc)

  • Packaging design concepts and artwork

  • Art direction

  • Illustrations, surface designs for packaging, interiors, public spaces and editorial.

  • Exterior & Interior Wall Mural Painting Commission

Visualise it. Communicate it.
Graphic Design +Illustration.

What I can offer:

Configure it. Implement it.
Build their online presence with Website Design.

What I can offer:

A website is a reflection of your client. It’s about who they are, what they do, why they do it and what their purpose is. I can help you start with strategic designs, develop and configure a visually appealling and effective, easy to use website communicating their impact on people’s lives with their products or services:

  • E-commerce content design and configuration, installation for products

  • Website design concept & customisation, template configuration with squarespace or shopify

  • Create & build your online course platform

  • Visual graphic web assets, basic SEO and many more functionalities…

  • Domain and email set-up registration

  • Receive guidance and clarity on your vision, mission and values for your business and structuring the content into your professional website.